The hard things …
Nothing easy ever made us more than we were before we conquered them. The cliche goes something like, “Nothing worth doing was ever easy.” We’ve all heard it countless times, and it is easy to lose the meaning in the repetition. That’s the problem with cliches, but they are cliches for a reason. Typically, that reason is because the saying is simple yet holds depth. Therefore, people repeat the saying until
The hard things make us who we want to be.
Remember this the next time you resist doing something because it is difficult. Remember this the next time you want to avoid something unpleasant. Remember this when you forget why you would even consider starting to begin with.
If you have something of value to say…
This one has come from my writing, but I like it a lot and think the idea behind it is true. I can be loud and boisterous
If you have something of actual value to say, you can whisper and
OK, mostly I just like that one because it sounds like something someone wise might say to a screaming lunatic.
That’s all today. I thought I had more of these but I should probably learn to …
© 2019, Joseph K Little. All rights reserved.